Submitted by James Forsyth
I found this after I registered with the immigration police, created an appointment, paid the GRE (tax) and attended to get a replacement RNM card and was told that I had to attend the police station and get a report printed off. I did a little research and found this site.
First hit the “Registrar Ocorrência”. This takes you to the next selection, here you can select the type of crime you want to report.
The first option is “Maria da Penha Online”.
This is to report violent crime, whether it be physical, psychological, sexual, patrimonial or moral.
The 2nd option is for traffic accidents but ones that don’t cause injury to a person. In the case of injury to a person the police must be called to the incident
The 3rd option is “Ameaça” this is where you have been threatened by someone.
4th is missing persons.
5th is embezzlement, fraud and appropriations.
6th is loss of property. I.e., where you have lost it or misplaced it.
7th is theft of property.
8th is where bodily harm has happened. The nature of bodily injury registered by the Electronic Police Station refers to the situation in which a person physically attacks another, leaving visible injuries or any damage to the victim’s health. (Injuries of a minor nature).
9th is to report mistreatment of animals.
10th is to report insult, slander or defamation.
11th is for racial offences.
12th is for noise offences.
13th to report a robbery.
And 14th.... Anything else that is not listed here.
For any of these selections once you click through you have some things to read and then ‘hit’ the green to initiate the questionnaire. Here you will be able to identify when the occurrence started (date and time) and finished, the location, your details (remember it’s a crime in Brasil to submit a false report) and the details of what happened, any missing items etc.
Once completed you can print out your report and 2 or 3 days later you can access the report online.