Brasilia has mainly two seasons; the dry season, from around the beginning of May to end of September, and the wet season from beginning of October to the end of April.
Dry Season With the start of the dry season, it will also start to get cold in Brasilia from about May to the end of July with average daily high temperature around 26°C and an average daily low temperature around 12°C. From the end of July to the end of October it is the hottest time in Brasilia with average daily high temperature around33°C and an average daily low temperature around 17°C. During the dry season it is highly unlikely that it will rain, and Brasilia will turn into a brown, dusty and very low humidity city. And with low humidity I mean sometimes below 10%, which makes it very uncomfortable for many expats. Wet Season With the start of the wet season around October, the temperatures in Brasilia will stay more or less constant with average daily high temperature around 26°C and an average daily low temperature around 18°C. The average humidity will vary between 40 – 80%. And it will rain a lot, between 200 – 400 mm a month. Because Brasilia is pretty flat and lies on an altitude of 1000 meters, the weather can change very rapidly; one minute you have blues skies and within 20 minutes it will piss down for an hour and then the sun returns. The rain is also very localized so it will be bad in Asa Norte, but Lago Sul is picnic weather. The B4D Content Team are by no means weather specialists, so please click on the link provided for more exact information. Warning When, after nearly 3 months without rain, it starts raining, the streets become extremely slippery due to the accumulated oil on the road, in some cases the road will turn totally white. Please take extreme caution when driving. Because of the ground being hard after the long dry season and the firsts rains are normally being pretty big storms, Brasilia will turn into a city full of water. It is not uncommon that the parking areas under the apartments will totally flood. Also take care with the underpasses on the Eixo. In extreme weather conditions avoid driving at all costs and if necessary, stop somewhere and have a coffee.